RPG.NZ - Linking Roleplayers Around New Zealand
We're happy to add links to this page that are run by or for New Zealanders, feel free to submit your site
New Zealand Role-Playing Sites
- Kiwi RPG - Kemu Whakatau O Aotearoa - Tabletop role-playing from Aotearoa New Zealand
New Zealand Role-Playing Discussion Sites
New Zealand Role-Playing and Related Gatherings
- Intro to D&D Hamilton, February 9th. Know a young person 10+ who is excited about Dungeons & Dragons, but doesn't know where to start?
Bring them to Intro to D&D to learn the game with an experienced game master!
Run by the Waikato Role-Playing Guild at the Hamilton Central City Library.
- KiwiRPG Week 2025 (Dates yet to be Announced) - celebrating and showcasing Tabletop Role-Playing Games design and play from Aotearoa New Zealand.
- KapCon - Wellington, January 2026 (Wellington Anniversary weekend)
Role-Playing and Related Club Sites
- NZLARPS - New Zealand Live Action Role Playing Society Inc.
- SAGA - University of Canterbury Gaming Club.
- Waikato Role-Playing Guild - Welcome to the place to find fellow tabletop role-players in the Waikato!
New Zealand Role-Playing Game Creators
- Generic Games -
creator of Monster of the Week, and
Heavy Metal Aeons
- Imaginary Empire Games -
creator of Instruments of the Chrysanthemum Throne,
EPOCH, and
Coriolis and many more
- Unbound Publishing -
creator of scenarios for Call of Cthulhu,
Esoterrorists , and Fria Liagan's
Coriolis and much else
- Old Dog Games -
creator of Blades in the Underhive,
Unit X ,
Odyssey Aquatica: a Paragon play-set, and others
- Stormforge Productions - Creators of The Runed Age (and it's core system The Sigil System ).
- Scary Monster Games -
creator of The Silver Kiss of the Magical Twilight of the Full Moon, and
Four Things
- Cam Banks -
Creative Director for Cortex Prime, among many other professionsal accomplishments
- Taleturn -
creator of Deck of Monkey Things, and one of the creators behind
A|State 2nd Edition
- F-Space Publications - Publishers of the F-SPace Science Fiction RPG
- MCCD -
creator of Mayfly a quick roleplaying game about orcs
New Zealand Role-Playing Game Vendors
- PaddyWhack - vendor of LARP weapons & equipment
- Graenation - producer of virtual & tabletop D&D play tokens
- Games & Hobbies - vendor of board games, card games, role-playing games, miniature games, dice and accessories.
Role-Playing Games In New Zealand